
  • María Alexandra Ferreyra Hospital de Niños de la Santísima Trinidad
  • Cintia Soledad Peñaloza Servicio de Medicina Laboral. Dinosaurio Mall S.A


Occupational nursing - Professional practice - Acknowledgement


Introducción: The World Health Organization defines occupational health as a multidisciplinary activity which promotes and protects workers’ health. This study focuses on activities carried out by the nursing staff in the new spaces inaugurated in big commercial companies to preserve
the occupational health within such organizations. Objective: To determine the experiences of the occupational nursing staff within extensive commercial areas in Córdoba, Argentina, in 2022. Method: A phenomenological qualitative study was carried out. Convenience sampling
was used and theoretical saturation was achieved. Data collection strategy: 6 individual openended interviews were carried out, in which nurses were recorded following a thematic guide.
Information was thematically grouped. Results: Findings were organized in two dimensions: “Professional acknowledgement within the professional workplace” and “Practice of occupational nursery.” The perception of nurses is directly related to the acknowledgement
of professionals within the field of extensive commercial areas. The professional role of
occupational nurses is different from that of professionals from other areas, and feelings
and experiences do contribute to reinforce the professional development within the chosen workplace. Discussion/Conclusion: Experiences and feelings contributed to reinforcing the professional development of the work performed by the nurses in extensive commercial areas, which highlights the importance of the nurse role within this field. In spite of their professions’ downsides, occupational nurses stated that the work done within that field is important, and that they count with the necessary tools to keep growing and developing within it.


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How to Cite

OCCUPATIONAL NURSING STAFF’S EXPERIENCES IN EXTENSIVE COMMERCIAL AREAS. (2023). Crear En Salud, 20. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/revcs/article/view/42596