The role of nursing in humanized car


  • Lourdes Carolina Fernández Sanatorio Allende de Córdoba
  • Lilli Abril Instituto Centro Mi lugar de Córdoba


Role of the nurse - Nurse care - Humanism - Intensive Care Nursing


Introduction: Intensive care units have been designed as closed spaces, due to the risks and complexity concerning the patients’ health. There exists a lack of information concerning the role of nursing in the humanization of care in Córdoba’s Intensive Care Units. In response to this gap, determining the role of nursing in humanized care in Intensive Care Units from health center (Córdoba, May 2022) was proposed. Material and methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional quantitative study was carried out. The population included 40 nurses from the Sanatorio Allende health center (Nueva Cordoba neighborhood) Intensive Care Unit. The
Nyberg Caring Assessment (NCA), a semi structured questionnaire containing close-ended questions, was used. All data collected were transferred to Excel tables for descriptive statistics analysis. Results and discussion: In a nurse’s daily work, trust and respect for others are important when establishing professional relationships (67.5 %). The skills and knowledge nurses possess are adequate to provide quality care (45.83 %). Through these competences, nurses provide care in all aspects and psychosocial needs (40.83 %). A percentage demonstrated full comprehension and perception regarding the holistic aspect of care (37.50 %). In this way,
these results are consistent with Watson’s (1999) statements regarding the deepening of spiritual connections and interpersonal relationships. According to this theory, we understand humanized care as a subject-to-subject interaction process which aims at taking care of, supporting and accompanying the individual in achieving, improving and regaining health by meeting their
human needs and, consequently, promoting their well-being and care. Conclusion: The role of nursing in humanized care is based on accompanying the patient and meeting all their needs. A person is a psycho-social being; the nurse must recognize these aspects and count with the necessary knowledge, skills and techniques to provide quality and holistic care.


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