Strategies implemented for health care in nursing homes


  • María Alejandra Bombino Lic. Enfermería. Clínica Privada Modelo de Río Tercero.
  • Adriana Gabriela López Lic. Enfermería. Vacunatorio. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
  • Damaris Jenifer López Lic. Enfermería. Hospital Municipal de Urgencias. ORCID:
  • Silvia Romina Moreno Lic. Enfermería. Hospital de Pronta Atención COMIPAZ Municipalidad de Córdoba. Contacto: ORCID:


COVID-19, elderly, pandemic, nursing


Introduction: The COVID-9 pandemic had an impact worldwide, with the elderly being the vulnerable age group. Protocol confinement measures imposed by the Government of the Argentine Nation, 2020, were applied to prevent infections and preserve health, this generated an impact on the mental health of geriatric residents. Objective: Analyze the nursing strategies
implemented for health care in nursing homes in the years 2020-2022. Methodology: Crosssectional descriptive
quantitative study. Population, nursing staff, graduates, professionals and assistants who worked in the geriatric residence in the years 2020-2022. What determined findings, from the dimensions “Of oneself”; “Of the others”; “From the context.” A
contextualized interview schedule was applied in the three stages, pre-pandemic, pandemic and post-pandemic. Results and discussion: The findings of dimension 1. Of the self, activityexercise, at the pre-pandemic moment 85%; in pandemic 30% and in post-pandemic 65%, the rest of the results were not influenced, remaining at 100% at all intermediate, immediate and long-term moments. Dimension 2. In the others, in the pre-pandemic stage the family had 90%, in the pandemic 5% and post pandemic 65%. Among peers 60% pre-pandemic, 60% in pandemic and 80% post-pandemic. While the bond with the nurse was always maintained 100%. Dimension 3. In the context, PPE methods and pre-pandemic COVID-19 protocols 0%; in a pandemic 100% and in the post-pandemic stage care is maintained at 100%. Conclusion: Analyzing the three dimensions proposed as the conceptual axis of the Tide theory by (Barker 2015), we agree with the author given that the model allows us to advance in the stages of care, generating a therapeutic bond. Inviting nurses to begin to meaningfully understand mental health. The objectives of the implementation of strategies for the health care of the elderly in nursing homes were met.


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