Knowledge of the benefits and complications of preoperative fasting



Surgery; preoperative fasting; knowledge; benefits; complications.


Introduction: Preoperative fasting is a matter of great importance and interest. Traditional concepts about its implementation have changed in the last few years due to scientific evidence. Objective: To determine the knowledge of the benefits and complications of preoperative fasting among the surgical department staff at the Hospital Británico in Buenos Aires. Methodology: A quantitative, descriptive, and cross-sectional study was conducted from July to December 2022. The population consisted of operating room staff, administrative workers, nurses, surgical instrumentation technicians, surgeons, and anesthesiologists (n=40). The information source was primary, collected through a self-administered survey technique. The instrument was a self-administered questionnaire with questions addressing the variable under study. Results: 45% of the operating room staff recognizes that the preoperative fasting supports the surgical process; 15% is aware of its benefits for anesthetic recovery; and 7.5% understands that it prevents bronchial aspiration. 87.5% of participants recognize that surgery cancellations are an indicator of healthcare quality; 77.5% of respondents understand that cancellations allow the institution to effectively manage material resources and prevent malpractice lawsuits; finally, 87.5% stated that preoperative fasting helps prevent cardiac arrest. Additionally, 30% of the staff stated that they do not provide information, while 70% reported doing so in written form, via phone using WhatsApp, or verbally. The participants considered that providing information is a responsibility of all team members. Conclusion/ Discussion: The staff recognizes some benefits of preoperative fasting, but the institution does not fully identify them. The remaining complications are seen as having limited knowledge. They possess knowledge of the complications concerning the institution. 30% of the surveyed staff report that they do not provide information, as they believe that providing information to the patient is the responsibility of the entire team. Additionally, it was observed that surgeries are canceled because the patient does not complete the preoperative fasting.


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How to Cite

Knowledge of the benefits and complications of preoperative fasting. (2024). Crear En Salud, 22.