Preliminary geotechnical evaluation of the geological units of the port coastal front of Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina


  • Claudina Di Martino Centro de Geología Aplicada, Agua y Medio Ambiente. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Departamento de Geología. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Bahía Blanca.
  • Rene Albouy Departamento de Geología. Universidad Nacional del Sur.
  • Salvador Aliotta Departamento de Geología. Universidad Nacional del Sur


port complex, urban development, soil geomechanics?


Bahía Blanca is located in the province of Buenos Aires (Argentina) and is the urban center with the greatest development in the southwest of Buenos Aires. It has a deep water port, enabling national and international commercial flow. Currently one of the most recurrent problems is the expansion of cities without land use guidelines, evidenced in the study area by the occupation of spaces on expansive materials, reactive to changes in soil moisture and consequent failures in foundations, structural damage and economic losses.

The study area includes the waterfront of the city of Bahía Blanca and its projection towards the interior of the estuary, extending from the port of Ingeniero White to the locality of Daniel Cerri. The objective of the study is a preliminary evaluation of the geological and geotechnical characteristics and the relationship between them. Outcropping and subsoil geological units are recognized and qualified according to the geotechnical response of the materials, based on existing information. The sediments that constitute the support of the works are identified and characterized and parameters and characteristics that influence their geotechnical response and possible instability of the constructions are defined.

This research proposes to formulate guidelines that promote a rational territorial ordering, in accordance with the geological and geomechanical characteristics of the land, determining its possible uses. The results will be applied to mitigate or avoid geological risks and contribute to the sustainable development of an area in commercial and economic expansion, which promotes the location of industrial, port and urban infrastructure.


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Preliminary geotechnical evaluation of the geological units of the port coastal front of Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina. (2022). Journal of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 48, 15-21.

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