Suitability of compacted tropical soils for the construction of insulating barriers in sanitary landfills in Argentina




residual tropical soils, landfill, compaction, hidraulic conductivity


The main objective of bottom and side barriers in sanitary landfills is to prevent the migration of leachates from the interior to the exterior. These liners should be designed by taking into account mechanical and hydraulic properties. In many cases, to reduce costs, local soils are used as construction materials for this purpose. However, due to the great variability in the hydromechanical properties of soils, the design of lines should consider the local conditions of each location. This article analyzes the possibility of using compacted residual soils and evaluates the variability of compaction parameters to determine the optimal construction conditions to meet international specifications for geological barriers for landfills


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How to Cite

Suitability of compacted tropical soils for the construction of insulating barriers in sanitary landfills in Argentina. (2024). Journal of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 51, e014.