Estimation of potential groundwater recharge of an aquifer through remote sensing and geographical information systems
Zapala aquifer, remote sensing, hierarchical analysis processAbstract
The arid, semi-arid, and sub-humid zones occupy cover 41% of the land surface. In these areas, water resources are limited and are under severe and increasing pressure due the increase in population, in per capita use, and in irrigation. Groundwater, whether phreatic or confined, it is an essential water resource to supply of other sources or constitute the primary source for water in the area. This study was carried out in the area occupied by the Zapala aquifer, Neuquén province, Argentine Republic. An index was implemented to estimate aquifer potential recharge from remote sensors data and processing in with a Geographic Information System. It was found that 54% of the study area has a moderate recharge potential, 43% has a good potential, and 3% has a leading potential. The estimation of the annual recharge was 74 hm3 /year, 63% of the average annual precipitation. Compared to previous studies carried out by other authors with different methods. The annual recharge obtained are within the range of variation of these studies, so the index is shown as a good approximation for estimating recharge.
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