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Author Guidelines


Before preparing your manuscript, please download this template. This document contains the information needed to correctly format your document. Please go through it carefully.

Evaluation criteria: The research problem must be clearly formulated, as well as the research questions addressed. The work must interact with previous research reported in the literature. The rationale of the study must be supported from a theoretical and methodological point of view.

Teaching proposals

Before preparing your manuscript, please download this template. This document contains the information needed to correctly format your document. Please go through it carefully.

Evaluation criteria: the proposal must clearly show an innovation. It must be grounded on results from Physics (or the corresponding discipline) Education Research. Learning aims must be clearly and explicitly expressed.

Essays and Special Topics

Before preparing your manuscript, please download this template. This document contains the information needed to correctly format your document. Please go through it carefully.

Evaluation criteria: The problem addressed must be clearly formulated. The essay must clearly show its potential for either in-or pre-service teacher education or for teaching practice.

Teaching narratives

Before preparing your manuscript, please download this template. This document contains the information needed to correctly format your document. Please go through it carefully.

Evaluation criteria: The teaching problem must be clearly described. The decisions taken by the teacher/author must be supported on theoretical or methodological grounds and described thoroughly. Students’ participations, and their analysis must serve to account for the assessment of the activity.

Thesis abstracts in Science Education

To send your abstract please download this template. This document contains the information needed to correctly format your document.

Scientific Meetings and Teaching Material Reviews

To send your abstract please download this template. This document contains the information needed to correctly format your document.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The manuscript has been neither published nor submitted in any form to another journal.
  • The manuscript is either an OpenOffice, Microsoft Word or RTF file.
  • Links to websites have been included where possible.
  • Text in the manuscript is single spaced, font size 10 pt, italics are preferred over underlined (except for urls); illustrations, figures and tables are inserted within text where they should appear and not at the end of the document.
  • Text complies with the style and citation requirements contained in the template, that can be found in the About section of the journal.
  • If the section you are addressing your contribution is peer-evaluated, please make sure to follow all the instructions in the Ensuring blind review section


Research articles that address issues related to the learning or teaching of Physics or other Natural Sciences. These can correspond to work of theoretical development, methodological analysis, or construction of results from empirical data. Work can range from research addressing particular learning or teaching issues as well as the elaboration, implementation and evaluation of teaching proposals.

Teaching Proposals

Manuscripts presenting alternative teaching approaches, innovations, curriculum development, etc., in relation to Physics or other experimental sciences. These may include proposals to integrate Physics with other sciences, classroom activities, discussion of particular resources, etc.

Teaching Narratives

This section is specifically oriented to share innovative teaching experiences carried out by Science/Physics teachers in their own classrooms or other non-formal environments. Emphasis is placed on the view of the teacher as the constructor of the proposal, and the surveyor of its results.

In-service and pre-service teachers are specially invited to share in this section those experiences that entailed particular teaching challenges and that resulted in a rich teaching experience providing to their knowledge of the vast universe of the teaching profession. We believe that these characteristics of particular teaching challenges and the way they are addressed is what makes them so worthy of being shared with other members of the community.

Although manuscripts may be flexible in structure, we encourage authors to include:

a)      context of the situation that originated the experience. What circumstances lead to the particular teaching proposal, what was the problem students were having, what kind of school or other education facility was involved, etc. In other words: what was the problem that needed to be addressed.

b)      the proposal and the support for the actions in it. In other words, what was done, why, and what those actions meant to achieve.

c)       results: evidences of the transformations in terms of student and teacher participations during the experience.

d)      final considerations: why this experience was valuable.

Manuscript format should follow the specifications found in “information for authors”. Manuscripts will be reviewed by researchers in Physics Education and/or teachers with experience in teaching  at the level the experience pertains to. The review process will be oriented by the editorial team.

Essays and Special Topics

Original founded papers that elaborate on particular issues, such as Physics topics, integrating science, technology, society and environment, philosophical and epistemological matters, analysing  leading scientific programs, etc. Contributions in this section are meant to be purposeful input for the job of Physis Teachers and Physics Education Researchers.

Scientific Meeting Reviews

Reviews of Scientific Meetings on Science Education worldwide.

Teaching Material Reviews

Reviews on curricular developments, critical essays on articles, books and projects dealing with Science Education.

Privacy Statement

Consent and confidentiality: When a study involves the participation of persons as subjects, this will be an informed, free and voluntary participation in the research, maintaining the necessary protection of sensitive affiliation data.
The authors are responsible for the theoretical-conceptual perspectives they adopt, as well as for the conclusions, knowledge statements and value statements they formulate, which are not necessarily shared by the Editorial Team of Revista de Enseñanza de la Física.