Study of the voltage induction of the electromagnetic fields of a TL in industrial pipelines using a didactic simulator


  • Ailson Pereira de Moura FUniversidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil
  • Adriano Aron Freitas de Moura IUniversidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, Mossoró, RN, Brasil
  • Herick Talles Queiroz Lemos IUniversidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, Mossoró, RN, Brasil



Electric field; Magnetic field; Transmission lines; MATLAB GUIDE; Computational simulation


Large structures used in the oil and gas industry, such as pipelines, when they are near high voltage transmission lines (TL) in steady-state undergo electromagnetic induction because of the interactions of the electromagnetic fields of the charged lines and consequently induced currents can cause damage human beings in contact with these pipelines. This work makes a study of the voltages and currents induced in an industrial pipeline by a TL through the development of a didactic simulator made using the MATLAB GUIDE, which facilitates the user’s learning through the display of three-dimensional graphics. The results of the TL-industrial pipeline system, got from real data from industrial companies, calculated in the simulations were compared with standardized values of IEC TS 60479-1:2005. According to these results, the voltage and current because of the capacitive cou-pling between a metallic pipeline and a TL is high and a current greater than the limits allowed for the safety of people is ob-tained. Regarding the inductive coupling between the system composed by the TL and the pipeline, this coupling induces danger-ous currents to the safety of people in contact with the pipeline. The mitigation carried out on the currents induced in the pipe-lines is possible through grounding resistances. Therefore, the study of voltages and currents induced in industrial pipelines by electric and magnetic fields of a TL, which involves equations and concepts difficult to assimilate, due to its theoretical charac-ter, becomes easy to learn through the use of the didactic simulator developed.


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Essays and Special Topics

How to Cite

Study of the voltage induction of the electromagnetic fields of a TL in industrial pipelines using a didactic simulator. (2020). Revista De Enseñanza De La Física, 32(1), 175-189.