Discursive analysis of the didactic potential of a STEM proposal


  • Victor Furci Universidad Pedagógica Nacional – UNIPE –Piedras 1080, CABA, Argentina
  • Ana González ISFDN°114 Bartolomé Mitre 5035 Villa Ballester. Buenos Aires; Argentina
  • Oscar Trinidad Universidad Pedagógica Nacional – UNIPE –Piedras 1080, CABA, Argentina - ISFDN°99 Mitre 400 A. Korn. Buenos Aires; Argentina
  • Luis Peretti Universidad Pedagógica Nacional – UNIPE –Piedras 1080, CABA, Argentina - ISFDN°99 Mitre 400 A. Korn. Buenos Aires; Argentina




Discourse analysis; Discursive interactions; STEM; Didactic potential


The results of a case study are presented in this work, in which the discursive interactions are analyzed as significant element to evaluate the didactic potential of a Physics teaching proposal.
The context of production of the speeches is a science teacher course for secondary school in the province of Buenos Aires, Ar-gentina. The didactic proposal consists of posing and solving an open problem focused on the transfer of thermal energy; which proposes the design and implementation of experimental devices and digital technologies for its solution, approached from a multidisciplinary STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) perspective.
The analysis of the discursive interactions is carried out including the structural-textural, semantic, and rhetorical aspects. A contextual description and the non-verbal language developed in the case are also presented. The study shows the didactic po-tential, both of the proposal and of the teacher´s discursive interventions. Finally, some recommendations for the communica-tive resignification of the design of STEM proposals are pointed out.


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How to Cite

Discursive analysis of the didactic potential of a STEM proposal. (2020). Journal of Physics Teaching, 32(2), 43-55. https://doi.org/10.55767/2451.6007.v32.n2.31187