Physics learning, ICT and the study of the fastest man in the world
Teacher education, Physics, Numeric methods, Solve problemsAbstract
The objective of this study is to investigate the didactic potentialities of the use of technology to develop conceptual, procedural and attitudinal learning in the formation of Physics teachers. Physics teacher education must address the role of technology to
influence or facilitate active, meaningful and creative learning based on real world problems. Research on the didactic potential of
the use of numerical methods in the construction of models in the cognitive, procedural and attitudinal learning of physics teachers
in initial training is insufficient in the specialized literature. The kinematic, dynamic and energetic study of the fastest man in the
world and his performance arouses great interest in students to know the characteristics and factors that allowed establishing the
world record in the 100 m dash. Currently it is required to provide teachers with a robust system of cognitive, procedural-strategic
and attitudinal content through the resolution of problems of socio-cultural, personal or professional interest. This article analyzes
the results obtained in the learning of a group of physics teachers in training in terms of concepts, skills and attitudes from the
resolution of interesting problems in the real world.
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