Evaluation of learning mediated by ICT through tools built under the notion of conceptual profile


  • Claudio Enrique


Learning evaluation, Conceptual profiles, Cognitive and metacognitive aspects, Classic physics


New tools are presented to assess learning mediated by ICT and built under the notion of Conceptual Profile. The first results belong to a recently presented doctoral thesis that specifically investigated Oscillatory Movement; although it is considered that, with the appropriate modifications, they can be used in other Physics contents. Its main objective is the need to assess the learning process under other instances - even complementary - to the summative evaluation that continues to be the most used today. Within a constructivist learning environment, analyzes of prior knowledge are integrated; those acquired through ICT; and those that remained in the cognitive structure of the subject at the end of the instruction on the specific content. In this way it is possible to inquire about cognitive aspects present in different activities of the didactic intervention; how they move between them; and even how they are integrated together with the metacognitive aspects. The goal is to propose a novel and creative tool that allows resolving some situations on one of the aspects of education, which has long been considered to be in crisis.






Trabajos presentados a SIEF

How to Cite

Evaluation of learning mediated by ICT through tools built under the notion of conceptual profile. (2022). Revista De Enseñanza De La Física, 34, 155-163. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/revistaEF/article/view/39809