Física en chancletas: action research, in action


  • Carlos Alessandretti Instituto Superior del Profesorado de Salta N°6005
  • Yudith Mamaní Cáceres Instituto Superior del Profesorado de Salta N°6005
  • Marcos Martín Instituto Superior del Profesorado de Salta N°6005 - Instituto de Educación Media Dr. Arturo Oñativia
  • Daniel Vitulli Instituto Superior del Profesorado de Salta N°6005 - Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales
  • Yesica Zerpa Instituto Superior del Profesorado de Salta N°6005 - Colegio Secundario N°8007 Gral. Manuel Belgrano


Teaching of Physics, Teacher training, Action–Research


This paper synthesizes the actions and reflections of a group of teachers and students of the Physics Faculty of Salta, grouped in an experimental and vocational workshop called "Física en chancletas" (means “Physics in flip-flops”), which over the years has become an essential element and unique in the training of student teachers. The process itself and the experience gained gradually transformed the objectives and methods of this group, becoming an action research team that seeks to modify and improve the reality of local physics teaching, proposing concrete and applicable alternatives. that reach teachers through projects, workshops and training; without neglecting its initial objective of providing an innovative look at the teaching of physics to the students themselves. 


Alessandretti C., Capaldo M., Carrizo, E., Martín M. y Vitulli D. (2021). El calefón solar: desde el tópico generativo al cambio cultural. Revista de Enseñanza de la Física, 33(Extra), 9-16.

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How to Cite

Física en chancletas: action research, in action. (2023). Revista De Enseñanza De La Física, 35, 9-13. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/revistaEF/article/view/43253