Learning of a pre-service Physics teacher: the pedagogy and the affective domain





Teacher emotions, Pedagogical content knowledge, Preservice teacher, Teaching practicum


The present work is a descriptive study that examines the learning process of a preservice physics teacher his professional practice, considering both cognitive and affective dimensions. Using a qualitative-interpretive methodology, written self-records from six classes were analyzed, with four examples selected for detailed examination. These records pertain to the active period of his Practicum. The results address various aspects of teaching knowledge, particularly related to teaching strategies and students’ ideas about physics: the value of trigger questions, the importance of students' ideas in discourse, and the sophistication in the use of conjectural scripts for planning. The study highlights the dynamic nature of emotional scenarios in response to episodes of teacher-knowledge learning.


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How to Cite

Learning of a pre-service Physics teacher: the pedagogy and the affective domain. (2024). Revista De Enseñanza De La Física, 36(1), 67-78. https://doi.org/10.55767/2451.6007.v36.n1.45313