Methodological proposal to evaluate different levels of learning of a specific Physics content: a case study


  • Claudio Enrique Universidad Tecnológica Nacional Facultad Regional Santa Fe. Departamento de Materias Básicas.



Didactic proposal, Learning levels, Statistical analysis of correlations, University Physics, Period of oscillation of a simple pendulum


A didactic proposal is presented to evaluate different levels of learning on a specific content of Physics -the period of oscillation of a simple pendulum-, based on the expressions written in an exam. The proposal consisted of investigating the performances achieved by first-year students of three engineering courses and evaluating whether their performances were results of the availability of cognitive and metacognitive competencies typical of an expert or competent subject; if they have been significant because they have been retained in their cognitive structure and transferred correctly in two questions about the same content; and if they turned out to be successful in passing said partial exam. Through the categorization corresponding to these three approaches and followed by a descriptive and inferential statistical analysis using contingency tables and the Pearson Chi-square test, the different results allowed us to evaluate, from another perspective,  different levels of learning about the period of oscillation of a simple pendulum. These first results were very promising in detecting and differentiating how the learners responded to the instructions based on the different levels of learning achieved in Physics I for Engineering


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How to Cite

Methodological proposal to evaluate different levels of learning of a specific Physics content: a case study. (2024). Journal of Physics Teaching, 36, 127-135.