What do secondary school syllabi tell us about the teaching of astronomy in the Province of Salta? Continuities and discontinuities with the curriculum design


  • Hugo Sebastián Zerpa Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Dpto. De Física - Universidad Nacional de Salta. Observatorio Astronómico “Prof. Elvio Alanís” - Universidad Nacional de Salta. Instituto de Educación Media “Dr. Arturo Oñativia”




Teaching of Astronomy, Curriculum Design, Secondary Level Astronomy Program


The inclusion of Physics and Astronomy at the secondary level in the Province of Salta prompted physics teachers to seek specialized training in the field. Interaction with these teachers revealed notable differences between the subject syllabi across various institutions. The aim of this study is to identify the continuities and discontinuities between the Jurisdictional Curriculum Design and the content of nine Physics and Astronomy syllabi. To this end, the curriculum design was analyzed, identifying both the most frequently addressed topics and those omitted from the syllabi. The results show that, on average, the syllabi cover only 30% of the curriculum's content. The topics most commonly included are related to the Solar System, while there are consistent omissions of certain astrophysics topics.


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How to Cite

What do secondary school syllabi tell us about the teaching of astronomy in the Province of Salta? Continuities and discontinuities with the curriculum design. (2024). Journal of Physics Teaching, 36, 375-382. https://doi.org/10.55767/2451.6007.v36.n.47283