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When a paper is received for publication, before being sent to the content evaluators, it will be evaluated by the Editorial Board in order to verify that it complies with the following rules. Authors are requested to comply carefully with these requirements. Compliance with them will avoid delays in the publication of the paper.
Submission of papers for evaluation
- To submit a paper you must register as an author.
- On the first page should be placed: title (in Spanish and English), abstract (in Spanish and English) with a maximum length of 10 lines each.
Articles submitted in Portuguese should include title (in Spanish and English), abstract (in Portuguese and English with a maximum length of 10 lines each) and a long abstract in Spanish of 50 lines minimum and 60 lines maximum.
- No part of the manuscript should contain data that would allow identification of the authors (including references). At the end of each article, before the bibliographical references, the authors should include a note stating that they have no conflicts of interest (see Code of Ethics).
- Together with the presentation of the original, the author(s) will present a signed note authorizing its publication and guaranteeing the originality of the work (it should not have been previously published in proceedings or proceedings of conferences, nor in another journal). The note must be signed and then sent scanned, or a digital signature must be used. Link to the code of ethics
Paper Format Download Template
- The paper should be typed double-spaced on IRAM A4 size paper (210 x 297 mm), 10 Verdana (Word) font, with 2.5 cm margins on all four sides, justified alignment, indentation of 1.25 cm in the first line of each paragraph.
- The title should be in bold Verdana 11, with left alignment. Subtitles in Verdana 10 bold with left alignment, no indentation and no spaces (lines) between subtitles and text.
For the Articles Section the suggested subtitles are: Introduction, Theoretical References and/or Background, Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusions or Final Reflections. When reference is made to the application of an instrument to obtain data (questionnaire, survey) it should be included in an Annex. (Do not use capital letters in any case).
If the article deals with an essay, fundamentals of a topic related to education in Biology or reviews and analysis of research background, the subtitles are at the author's discretion.
Articles that develop case studies that analyze the implementation of didactic proposals must contain: the contextualization of the problem studied, the characteristics of the institution, course, students, etc.; the foundations of the proposal; the actions developed; the analysis of the results achieved.
The length of the articles should be a minimum of 10 (ten) pages and a maximum of 20 (twenty). The length limit for summaries and abstracts is 10 (ten) lines; they should not include bibliographical quotations. At the end of the abstract place 4 (four) key words.
Thesis section: between 2000 and 2300 words. Do not include bibliography. Indicate title, type of thesis (master's degree, doctorate), author, name of director and co-director, degree and academic institution where the thesis was presented, date of defense and contact address. A synthesis of the content of the chapters and the main findings of the research will be presented.
Reviews and comments section: the submission will refer to books, didactic materials, academic events related to science education and will have a minimum of 4 pages, maximum of 10 pages. The length limit for summaries and abstracts is 10 (ten) lines; they should not include bibliographic citations. At the end of the abstract place 4 (four) key words.
In-text citations are indicated by the last name and year in parentheses. For example: ...responding to the new challenges of teaching biology (Reiss, 2020). If the author's name appears explicitly in the text, only the year is placed in parentheses. For example: ...according to Meinardi (2021)... More than two authors are cited et al., e.g.: the words of Larrain et al. (2021) the ideas of students... In the bibliography list, all authors must be cited. Textual citations are indicated in italics and in quotation marks.
Bibliographical references (verdana 10, bold, left alignment)
Bibliographical references should be placed at the end of the article in alphabetical order. Bibliographical references should be placed at the end of the article in alphabetical order of surname, with special French indentation of 0.5 cm and single spacing 6, single line spacing. APA norms should be followed.
Each citation in the text should be included in the bibliographical references and should not include works not cited in the text.
Examples are given for each type of publication. If in doubt, always follow the APA norms in their last update or, if not, always follow the same criteria throughout the article. Whenever possible, please indicate the DOI of the article.
Iglesia, P., Cordero, S. y Mengascini, A. (2016). Leer, escribir y hablar para aprender biología celular. Diseño e implementación de una secuencia didáctica en la formación docente inicial. Memorias de las XI Jornadas Nacionales y VI Congreso Internacional de Enseñanza de la Biología. General Roca, Río Negro: ADBiA. Recuperado de:
Jablonka, E. y Lamb, M.J. (2013). Evolución en cuatro dimensiones. Genética, epigenética, comportamientos y variación simbólica en la historia de la vida. Buenos Aires: Capital Intelectual.
Meinardi, E. (2021). Educación en salud colectiva: un diálogo de saberes. Revista de Educación en Biología, 24(1), 4–15.
Lapasta, L. (Comp.). (2020). Dossier 1. Contribuciones a la Enseñanza de las Ciencias Exactas y Naturales en época de Pandemia. La Plata: UNLP. Recuperado de:
Larrain A., López P., Gómez M., Verdugo S., Freire P., Grau V., Cosmelli D. y Bonhomme A. (2021). Las ideas de estudiantes chilenos acerca de la evolución de los seres vivos: ¿qué piensan al término de la enseñanza primaria? Revista Eureka sobre Enseñanza y Divulgación de las Ciencias, 18(1), 1106. doi:10.25267/Rev_Eureka_ensen_divulg_cienc.2021.v18.i1.1106
Puig, B., Blanco Anaya, P. y Bargiela, I.M. (2020). A Systematic Review on E-learning Environments for Promoting Critical Thinking in Higher Education. En: M.J. Bishop, E. Boling, J. Elen y V. Svihla. (Eds). Handbook of Research in Educational Communications and Technology. Springer, Cham. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-36119-8_15
Reiss, M.J. (2020). Biology education – progress or retreat? Journal of Biological Education, 54(5), 461-462. doi:10.1080/00219266.2020.1829441
More information available in the APA Manual
Style Guidelines
The journal adheres to a non-sexist communication and recommends the preparation of manuscripts following the following guidelines:
Guichard Bello, C. (2015). Manual de comunicación no sexista. Hacia un lenguaje incluyente. México DF: Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres.
The following are some rules of style. For cases not covered here, you should consult the APA Manual
Tables and figures
Tables display data that are arranged in an orderly presentation of columns and rows. A figure is any type of illustration other than a table: diagram, graph, photograph, drawing or other type of representation. Tables and figures should be numbered with Arabic numerals in different sequence for tables and figures, and referred to in the text by their number. At the bottom of each table or figure its content is indicated so that the reader can understand it without resorting to the text of the paper. Example:
Figure 3: Percentages of gene conceptions of 5th grade students in a public school (N=41).
Use of Italics: reserved for words from another language, titles of books and journals, textual quotations and key terms.
Abbreviations and Acronyms: should be clarified (in parentheses) the first time they are used, then they are cited without clarification.
Underlining: should not be used in any case.
Publication in REB is free of charge for authors and readers.