Botany in Secondary School Students: An Inclusive Cooperative Learning Experience Based on their Interests and Social Skills

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Ana Yancy Mora Granados
Diego Armando Retana Alvarado
Mario Alberto Segura Castillo


This paper presents the findings of an inclusive cooperative learning experience, based on the identification of social skills, knowledge, and interests in Botany for Secondary School students, with the aim of promoting situated learning. For data collection, classroom observations and interviews were conducted to a sample made up of 30 ninth-year students from Costa Rica. The results suggest that cooperative work allows the development of social skills that strengthen interaction in the classroom environment. The relationship between previous knowledge and daily life fosters greater interest in this study of Botany. The dialogue that exists between the teacher and the student population reinforces socialization within the classroom.

Article Details

How to Cite
Mora Granados , A. Y. ., Retana Alvarado, D. A., & Segura Castillo, M. A. (2021). Botany in Secondary School Students: An Inclusive Cooperative Learning Experience Based on their Interests and Social Skills. Journal of Biology Education, 24(1), 70-86.
Investigaciones y desarrollos
Author Biographies

Ana Yancy Mora Granados , Ministerio de Educación Pública

Licenciada en Enseñanza de las Ciencias Naturales 

Diego Armando Retana Alvarado, a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:25:"Universidad de Costa Rica";}

Doctor en Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales por la Universidad de Huelva, España

Licenciado en Enseñanza de la Química por la Universidad de Costa Rica

Profesor e Investigador de la Universidad de Costa Rica, Facultad de Educación. 

Mario Alberto Segura Castillo, Universidad de Costa Rica

Mario Alberto- Segura Castillo

Universidad de Costa Rica, Escuela de Orientación y Educación Especial, Costa Rica

Bachillerato en la enseñanza de los Estudios Sociales, UCR

Magister en Evaluación Educativa, UCR

Licenciado en Administración Educativa, UCR

Magister en Educación en Democracia y Valores Universidad de Barcelona

Doctor en Educación en Mediación pedagógica Universidad La Salle de Costa Rica.

How to Cite

Mora Granados , A. Y. ., Retana Alvarado, D. A., & Segura Castillo, M. A. (2021). Botany in Secondary School Students: An Inclusive Cooperative Learning Experience Based on their Interests and Social Skills. Journal of Biology Education, 24(1), 70-86.


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