Are there links between environmental rationality, environmental knowledge, dialogue of knowledge and ecological restoration? Contributions to the construction of theoretical frameworks for the recovery of environments for educational purposes. Interview

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Daniel Roberto Pérez


Are there links between environmental rationality, environmental knowledge, dialogue of knowledge and ecological restoration? Contributions to the construction of theoretical frameworks for the recovery of environments for educational purposes. Interview with Enrique Leff

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How to Cite
Pérez, D. R. (2020). Are there links between environmental rationality, environmental knowledge, dialogue of knowledge and ecological restoration? Contributions to the construction of theoretical frameworks for the recovery of environments for educational purposes. Interview . Journal of Biology Education, 23(2), 52-56.

How to Cite

Pérez, D. R. (2020). Are there links between environmental rationality, environmental knowledge, dialogue of knowledge and ecological restoration? Contributions to the construction of theoretical frameworks for the recovery of environments for educational purposes. Interview . Journal of Biology Education, 23(2), 52-56.

