The process of reviewing and publishing scientific articles

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Luis Godoy
Nora Valeiras


The  system of scientific  publications has  evolved  considerably from  the leuers  among  scientists  in  the 17th Century  to the scientific journals that we know al present.  This paper describes the system  of scientific publishing and discusses some forms  of evaluation of papers  through  peer review. The bases  of the system  of evaluation are considered, together with studies  carried  out to identify problems in the system, differences among  systems, or quantitative analyses of its working. The contents of reviews and the reasons of rejection  that may be frequently  found are considered in detail,  Concern about  the quality of the reviews  has led to the evaluation of reviews and the adoption  of quality index by joumal editors.  Finally, some commems are made about the use of such studies  for thc education of young investigators.

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How to Cite
Godoy, L., & Valeiras, N. (2004). The process of reviewing and publishing scientific articles. Journal of Biology Education, 7(2), 33-39.
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How to Cite

Godoy, L., & Valeiras, N. (2004). The process of reviewing and publishing scientific articles. Journal of Biology Education, 7(2), 33-39.



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