From research to training: an experience related to the conservation of native tree species

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Manuela Edith Rodriguez


This paper presents an experience carried out in the city of Posadas, Misiones, in which it was possible to relate the results generated from research (Botany and Taxonomy) with training; the latter was aimed at a heterogeneous community made up of teachers, professionals, students, technicians, among others, who demanded knowledge related to the native flora of the province of Misiones. The methodology applied was positive for the participants: field trips, understandable theoretical concepts, practical classes in accordance with the theory, laboratory activities and field trips. The elaboration of a project seemed adequate and creative.

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How to Cite
Rodriguez, M. E. (2001). From research to training: an experience related to the conservation of native tree species. Journal of Biology Education, 4(1), 41-44.
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How to Cite

Rodriguez, M. E. (2001). From research to training: an experience related to the conservation of native tree species. Journal of Biology Education, 4(1), 41-44.

