the age of water

Main Article Content

Velia Solis


Sorne commncnts related to the possible origin of water in our planet are presented mo relation lo the solar
system formation, froin a nehula of gas and dust similar lo that in Orion constcllation. Nebulas and cold
molecular clouds contain, among other suhstances, irnportant amounts of gaseous water and ice, suggesting that water in the solar system would have beco present in the precursor nebula. Planet degassing
would have beco responsible for the liberation of hydration water from rocks as steam, which would have condensed into ocearis. As another alternative, planctary water would have been incorporated by the intense rain of comets that took place after the accretion period. Whichever theory is considered, the prescnce of water in the Galaxy and in our planet is discussed in relation to the stability of the molecule. Studies related to ancient antarctic lee and elemental aspects of the stability of water molecule are discussedin separatcd iteras. Explanatory notes are also included.

Article Details

How to Cite
Solis, V. (2000). the age of water. Journal of Biology Education, 3(2), 9-15.

How to Cite

Solis, V. (2000). the age of water. Journal of Biology Education, 3(2), 9-15.

