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Author Guidelines

Current call

The journal Sendas - ISSN 2618-2254 brings together articles based on the Final Degree Projects produced by recent graduates of art degrees in Spanish and Portuguese. In its first volumes, Sendas brought together a series of works produced by graduates of the Faculty of Arts of the National University of Cordoba (Argentina) based on research carried out as part of their Final Degree Projects. Sendas is currently committed to opening up the game to other university institutions with art degrees and to the different academic paths, both professorships and undergraduate degrees.

Call for papers requirements

The articles to be presented must be based on the Final Projects approved in artistic careers, with a mark of no less than 8 (eight), with an antiquity of up to 5 years.
Submissions must follow the publication guidelines detailed below and must be submitted using the corresponding template:
The articles must be submitted together with a note of endorsement from the director/co-director of the TF (also digital) and the analytical certificate, stating the grade obtained.

Evaluation process

Manuscripts are read by the editorial board and editors of the journal, who evaluate their relevance and quality. If adjustments are required, the manuscripts are returned to their authors for changes. If the editors consider that the required corrections have been made, the articles are then evaluated by referees from outside the author's home university using the blind peer review system.
The evaluators consider as criteria for research processes in the arts: the treatment of the theory-practice relationship, the approach to problems anchored in the artistic field, the adequate development of the systematisation of the work or the production process and the commitment to venture into artistic realisation. In terms of formal aspects of the text and style, it is observed that the writing complies with the editorial guidelines of the journal (length, format, etc.), is clear and legible, responds to the objectives suggested by the author, that the title matches the content of the article, that the keywords and the summary are appropriate, that the writing is correct and does not present grammatical or spelling mistakes and that the bibliography is up to date.
The referees may approve, approve with minor changes, approve with major changes or not approve the papers. In the event that the referees request modifications for the final approval of the papers, the journal's management will notify the authors that they will have a certain period of time to make the corresponding changes. The publication process requires 8 to 10 months.

Paper profile

The objectives of the paper should be explicitly stated in the introduction and fulfilled in the body of the paper. The topic to be developed and the arguments supporting it should be clearly presented. The paper should identify a problem to which it offers an original contribution (thesis or position). The bibliography used must be relevant.

Shipment method
Those interested in participating in the call should send their manuscript to the following form: click here.  They should not log in to the journal's website. If you have any questions, please contact

Organization of the content of the manuscript

  1. Title of the article in Spanish
  2.  Name and surname of the author(s), institutional background, e-mail(s) and career.
  3. Abstract in Spanish from 80 to 100 words and from 3 to 5 key words in Spanish. Keywords must conform to the terms of the UNESCO Thesaurus.
  4. Title, abstract and keywords in English.
  5. Content of the article guided by subtitles.
  6. Bibliographical references only of the cited works.

Bibliographic references
Citations and bibliographical references must be in accordance with the 7th Edition of the APA Standards. We suggest using the Javierana University guide in its sections "Citations" and "References" and the APA guide for Articles, Books and Chapters.

Manuscript format

  1. The text file must be in an open version (.docx, .doc, .odt) from this template,  where the Styles are already configured.
  2. The minimum length should be 5000 words and the maximum length should be 9000 words (including endnotes and bibliography).
  3. The manuscript requirements include the use of the "Styles" option, whose specifications for font size, line spacing and indentation are configured in the template. The entire content of the manuscript must use the corresponding style: body text should be set as "Normal Style", headings and subheadings as "Heading 1 Style" and "Heading 2 Style", citations as "Citation Style".
  4. Download the template already configured at this link:


To include images you must number them (e.g. "Image 1") and attach, together with the Word manuscript, a folder with the JPG files named exactly the same (Image 1.jpg). The image and caption should be included in the body of the text. The author must have the rights to all the images included. The right to the images is an exclusive requirement.
The maximum number of images is 20 independent images (you can include a mosaic of images as long as they are integrated in the same JPG file).

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The author owns the rights to all images included in the manuscript. This is an essential requirement. Images are attached to the manuscript submission in their format (jpg, gif, png) named exactly the same as inside the body of the text.
  • In order to send the file, you must complete the form where you can upload the file.
  • The manuscript conforms to the 7th edition of the APA Style and is prepared according to the section "Organisation of manuscript content". Whenever possible, URLs are provided for references.
  • The manuscript is between 5000 and 9000 words in length, based on the template provided by the journal and formatted in OpenOffice or Microsoft Word. All illustrations, figures and tables are numbered, placed in the appropriate places in the text and captioned.
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format.

Privacy Statement

Names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes set out in it and will not be provided to third parties or used for other purposes.