All Voices, All: an Approach to the CSE (Comprehensive Sexua- lity Education) in the Music Class.
Comprehensive Sex Education, Music Education, Gender, High School, Middle EducationAbstract
This work deals with the inclusion of the Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE) in the music class in High school education. Firstly, we trace a path in order to recognize the current regulations about gender in our country and we take a further step into the approach of the law itself. Secondly, we reflect on the role women have played throughout history and still do in the music scene. Finally, we share some pedagogical proposals in order to work the CSE in the music class. This article comes from our monograph related to the final evaluation instance of the subject Planning and Teaching Practice of Musical Education Professorship.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Ramiro Álvarez Sánchez, Mayra Luz Yulitta
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