A ittle cinema with a lot of people inside. About Ana Mohaded's films
Documentary, Memory, Film essay, Córdoba, TrajectoryAbstract
Ana Mohaded is an audiovisual filmmaker from Catamarca who has lived for several decades in the city of Córdoba, where she also works as a teacher, dean of the Faculty of Arts at the National University of Córdoba, a fighter for human rights and memory, and a researcher.
This article arises from the need to give an account of a fundamental work for Cordoba's audiovisual culture. Ana Mohaded's filmography is abundant, vast and variable, and is maintained over time, both for its actuality and for the fact that since 1987 she has not stopped filming, writing and directing films.
Here we select three of her works, in order to weave an analysis that breaks the observational distance to construct one of approach and reflection. In a conversation that is articulated from writing and aims at exchange in a kind of exquisite corpse of two, we go with Ana through a dialogue that puts her works in value and context, while at the same time connecting us with her first-person experience.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ana Paula Compagnucci, Ana MohadedThis work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 Argentina .