Links between philosophical thinking and artistic practice. Relations between cinema and theatre
Art, Philosophy, Acting, Cinema, TheatreAbstract
This works considers the relationship between art and philosophy, and within it, the link between cinema and theatre, especially from the point of view of the actor and of the topics related to the body. Following Deleuze, we can say that the body is no longer a problem “that separates thinking from itself”, but has become “that aspect into which thinking sinks or has to sink so as to reach the unthinkable, that is to say, life”.
It seems that contemporary art and its different manifestations move around similar conceptual grounds, and therefore also deal with similar procedural ideas. The procedures not considered as the mis-en-scene of concepts, for the work, but as the always provisory pragmatics, of viewpoints that establish complex networks that intertwingle, untangle and cris-cross again. The affectations to be considered are those related to philosophy and to the different artistic expressions among themselves; especially the dialogue that theatre and cinema can establish with thought itself
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