Translation and pronunciation with ICT: An experience using translators and text-to-speech applications in English
english language teaching, pronunciation, translation, text-to-speech applications, online translators.Abstract
The development of new and specific English language skills and technological tools has become a necessity. In the study of English for specific and academic purposes, knowledge of tools for translation and pronunciation is especially valuable. Thus, in research papers, presentations to scientific events and publications it is usual to request a summary in English.Besides, learning pronunciation in a foreign language should be taken into account because of the relationship between the development of productive and receptive phonology in a second language and reading comprehension. The purpose of this study was to attain an efficient management of online translators and text-to-speech applications in order to achieve an intelligible pronunciation and write short excerpts in English so as to be able to read them aloud. In general, students evaluated the activity as educational, innovative, interesting and useful.
Innovation and Experiences
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How to Cite
Translation and pronunciation with ICT: An experience using translators and text-to-speech applications in English. (2016). Virtuality, Education and Science, 7(13), pp.102-109.