Towards new horizons in higher education classes in emergent contexts. Contributions from educative technology
learning, higher education, pandemic, virtuality, classAbstract
In these last two years, massive platformization (Van Dick & Poell, 2018) as a phenomenon that passes through our lives, was intensified in higher education as a product of the COVID-19 pandemic. Universities quickly adopted available technologies to ensure pedagogical continuity (Cannellotto, 2020; Hodges, 2020) and professors sought alternatives to sustain the class as a teaching and learning experience. This paper explores meaningful dimensions that characterize university classes when they are delocalized from the physical classroom and are moved to virtual environments in the context of a pandemic. The research emphasizes the aspects that university professors identify as constitutive of their classes during the pandemic and those that are identified as positively weighted. This is an exploratory study that seeks to recover and systematize the knowledge constructed by professors in the context of practice.
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