Learning in times of pandemic. Students’ voices as keys to rethinking university education


  • Carina Lion Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Analía Schpetter Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, Argentina
  • Verónica Weber Universidad Nacional de Hurlingham, Argentina




technologically mediated learning; studying in pandemic; young voices; university education


The article addresses the dimension of learning in times of pandemic. It considers students' voices collected in a survey. It systematizes difficulties in studying, outstanding classes, references to their own learning, and future challenges. Among the emerging tendencies are access difficulties, saturation due to the number of activities and content, and lack of communication with teachers. They appreciate classes that promote more active productions that are closer to professional practice, teachers who listen and empathize, and synchronous instances versus asynchronous ones. Finally, they question teaching and suggest the challenge of redesigning classes, working as a team in the virtual world, helping to organize work and study times, and generating relevant and interesting proposals. These challenges are analyzed in the light of the mutations in technologically mediated ways of learning and offer new perspectives for rethinking university teaching in the forthcoming years.


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Theoretical Basis and Research

How to Cite

Learning in times of pandemic. Students’ voices as keys to rethinking university education. (2021). Virtuality, Education and Science, 13(24), 36-48. https://doi.org/10.60020/1853-6530.v13.n24.36284