Regulation and governance of nanotechnology risks: network model and the transnationalization of the law

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Aírton Guilherme Berger Filho


The regulation and the nanotecnologies risk governance evidence the “normative” overflow that comprise the legal system in contemporaneity beyond the formal criteria formation of the juridical order, necessarily linked to the National State. From this movement it is observed a paradigm shift, blurring comprehensiveness and the divisions traditionally defended in the theory of Law. The legal paradigm of the pyramid is challenged by new situations, as in the complex case of nanotechnologies, which reflect on the emergence of a new model of the "network". The current state of affairs in the legal world can be evidenced as a constant dialectical activity between the pyramidal model in crisis and the network model. It results a tension between both the “formal, hierarchical, monolithic and State” model and the “transnational, flexible, Hetarquic, plural, polycentric” model. Therefore, this polycentric regulation that imposed in all sides find an appropriate perspective in the network paradigm as a model for addressing issues related to the risks of nanotechnology development. The regulation that influences the direction of nanotechnology is not restricted to the actions of the National States, it expands to a non-hierarchical network of legal and non-legal rules produced and reproduced by State bodies, international organizations, transnational corporations, governmental organizations and citizens, as well as scientific and epistemic communities. Based on a bibliographical review, this text presents the regulation and governance of nanotechnology as a form of transnationalisation of the Law that finds in the precautionary principle an important element of communication between Law and other normative systems (internormativity), also between distinct areas of Law (intranormativity).

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How to Cite
Regulation and governance of nanotechnology risks: network model and the transnationalization of the law. (2018). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 5, 67-83.
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Author Biography

Aírton Guilherme Berger Filho, Universidade de Caxias do Sul.

Graduado em Direito pela Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul (2002), Mestre em Direito pela Universidade de Caxias do Sul (2004), Doutor em Direito na UNISINOS (2016). Atualmente é professor da Universidade de Caxias do Sul. Possui experiência na docência e pesquisa nas áreas de Direito Ambiental, Propriedade Intelectual e Direito Internacional.

How to Cite

Regulation and governance of nanotechnology risks: network model and the transnationalization of the law. (2018). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 5, 67-83.


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