Any resemblance to reality is not coincidence: notes for the current days. An exercise in reflection on being a teacher in today's Argentina
education, neoliberalism, teaching practice, politics, essayAbstract
This essay seeks to reflect on what it means to be a teacher today. Dialogues are established between the words of those currently in government in our country and some thoughts and feelings about our task. We ask ourselves some questions: what are we going to teach now that we don't know what to teach anymore? What is or what should be the teaching role in the current socioeconomic context? What does it mean to be a teacher here and now? Why do things happen as they do? What is our responsibility for the present? What commitment do we want/can we assume? Reflection on the teaching profession is intertwined here with: the historicization of the Argentine educational system, neoliberal policies and their impact on education, possible actions around teaching and learning, and the inherent politicization of all teaching practice. With free, vital, and spontaneous writing —but not therefore less rigorous or profound in its approaches— this essay reflects on teaching from a perspective situated in the present. In order to share ideas to make education —today— an act of justice.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Agustina Madarieta, Maura Sajeva
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