Project Scar: "Awareness and empowerment workshops for survivors of sexual abuse and violence in San Juan, Argentina. A pilot experience"


  • Dolores Córdoba |Instituto de Investigaciones Socioeconómicas, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Argentina
  • Carla Graffigna Investigadora independiente, Argentina
  • Sandra Vega Área Psicología, Consultorio de la Diversidad Sexual, Hospital Dr. Guillermo Rawson, San Juan, Argentina


abuse - sexual violence - empowerment - feminism


We present a brief description of our pilot experience in creating and coordinating em-
powerment workshops for survivors of sexual abuse/violence in a public hospital. These

workshops respond to a concrete social demand for containment and constitute an unpre-
cedented initiative in our province, consolidating the link between academic and commu-
nity outreach.


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How to Cite

Project Scar: "Awareness and empowerment workshops for survivors of sexual abuse and violence in San Juan, Argentina. A pilot experience". (2020). E+E: Estudios De Extensión En Humanidades, 7(9).