Veinticinco años imaginando otra universidad.

Reseña sobre el aniversario del PUC en Ciudad Universitaria


  • Luisa Dominguez Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Gabriela Falco Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Natalia Campos Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


Extensión, Cárceles, Educación superior


In June 1999, an agreement was signed between the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the National University of Cordoba (hereinafter FFyH-UNC) and the Ministry of Justice of the province in which it was agreed to create a program whose main objective was to bring higher education closer to the prisons of Cordoba. In a politically convulsed context, with a very weakened society as a result of neoliberalism, the University Program in Prison (PUC from now on) was created, the second higher education program in prisons in the country. From that moment on, numerous undergraduate, extension and research proposals arose, mainly based in San Martín prison and, later on, in Bouwer prison, from the conviction that education, as a human right and an enabler of new life horizons, should be accessible to all sectors of society.


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How to Cite

Veinticinco años imaginando otra universidad.: Reseña sobre el aniversario del PUC en Ciudad Universitaria. (2024). E+E: Estudios De Extensión En Humanidades, 11(18), 134-140.

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