Nuevas aristas del perfil de Anselmo Windhausen


  • Graciela L. Argüello Cátedra de Pedología, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina (Jubilada)
  • Gabriela A. Sacchi Cátedra de Pedología, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina


Windhausen, Unicorn Cave, National University of Córdoba.


This paper is thought with the aim of positioning Dr. Anselm Windhausen at the outstanding place that his work deserves. On the other hand, it outlines some aspects scarcely known of his biography. To reach those goals, some unpublished texts preserved since the time when he was active, and press documents that presented his work some years later, were analyzed. Specially emphasized were his first attempts as researcher in the Unicorn Cave, and some of his most – at that time- controversial ideas.   


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[1] Argüello G. L. (2013, 8 de abril), “Anselmo Windhausen, pionero de la Geología Argentina” Tomado del blog “Locos por la Geología”. (

[2] Norte Geológico. ISSN 032-870, enero-abril de 1982.

[3] Vlasi F. (1981), “Geologische Untersuchungen in der Einhornhöhle in Scharzfeld am Südharz in den Jahren 1905 bis 1907”. Unser Harz, (29. Jg., Nr. 10, S. 187-190) Clausthal-Zellerfeld)

[4] Windhausen A. (1929), Geología Argentina, primera parte: Geología General o Dinámica, Ed. Jacobo Peuser, Buenos Aires, 435 pp.

[5] Windhausen A. (1931), Geología Argentina, segunda parte: Geología Histórica y Regional del Territorio Argentino. Ed. Jacobo Peuser. Buenos Aires, 646 pp.

[6] Windhausen R. (1999), “Biography of Dr. Anselm Windhausen (1882-1932)” Tomado del blog “Karstwanderweg”. (






Ciencias Naturales

How to Cite

Nuevas aristas del perfil de Anselmo Windhausen . (2020). Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 7(1), 25-29.