Speech by the President of the Academy of Law


  • Felix Sarría Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


Town, Freedom, Academy, Academy of Law


The Academy of Law celebrates its first solemn and public act, to commemorate the greatest juridical event in our history; the sanction of the National Constitution. No other event could offer such an occasion and symbolism as this almost miraculous event in which the peoples, invoking the protection of God, finally united in a fraternal embrace, having exhausted the fury and exhausted the veins of so much spilled blood, to dictate their supreme law, lowering the local banners, putting down the fratricidal weapons and sealing forever the indissoluble pact of the Argentine Nation. If for the notorious the historical fact is a perennial memory, for the transcendent it is a lesson of wisdom, a glorious mandate of illustrious dead. From the thunder and lightning of Caseros the miracle was to sprout; it is the Sinai of the homeland. The Constitution appears and in its presence anarchy falls silent and tyranny flees in terror; there is no longer any place for them; such is its virtue. A great people awaited it in the middle of the desert, having already crossed the red sea of the civil war, and upon receiving it in their arms, they made of it the Decalogue of their civilization. Such was then the will of the Argentine people, a will that we, already posterity, collect and abide by as a historical and sacred mandate.

Author Biography

  • Felix Sarría, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

    As a consequence of the reform of the year 1918, the universities incorporated new academic paradigms that meant a true intellectual renewal. It is clear from the historical reference of our Faculty of Law that: "The brilliant generation of 1910, an outstanding nucleus of philosophers, politicians and jurists, who were born in the last third of the 19th century and extended their intellectual work until well into the 20th century, brought together top-level teachers in Cordoba university classrooms, whose emotional word nurtured generations and generations of lawyers. . Among them, Professor Dr. Félix Sarría stands out, who in 1921 presented for approval by the of the authorities, the Administrative Law program, within the framework of a new study plan. He likewise was lieutenant governor of Córdoba in the period 1922-1925. And author of "Administrative Law" (1938) and "Theory of Administrative Litigation (1943), among other works. Appointed as a number academic to integrate the nascent National Academy of Law and Social Sciences of Córdoba in August 1941, he served as president in the periods: 1942-1944; 1952-1952 and 1956-1967.

    Palazzo, J. L. (2021). Presentación. Boletín del instituto de derecho adminsitrativo "Dr. Felix Sarría", número 1. https://derecho.unc.edu.ar/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/2021/06/BOLETIN-INSTITUTO-NRO.-01.pdf







How to Cite

Speech by the President of the Academy of Law. (1943). Revista De La Universidad Nacional De Córdoba, 30(1/4), 38-41. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/REUNC/article/view/10508