The Scholastic Logic System


  • Philotheus Boehner University of Münster


Philosophy, Religion, Jesuit, Scholastic Logic


Our neo-scholastic Logic has taken a position that necessarily defies criticism not only from modern logicians, but also from scholastics versed in the history of their own traditions. The former deny that it is a new logic at all, and the latter that it is genuinely scholastic. This is the reason why it is not recommended for our ecclesiastical seminaries. the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries is not recommended for our ecclesiastical seminaries, since they profess a renewal of the the renewal and even modernization of scholasticism is professed in them. Certainly, there still exist neo-scholastic logicians -their number is tenaciously decreasing- who believe and preach that their neo-scholastic logic cannot be surpassed by any modern philosophy; and that certainly it cannot even be presented, if this modern logic is corrupted with positivism.

Author Biography

  • Philotheus Boehner, University of Münster

    Boehner was born Heinrich Boehner in Lichtenau, Westphalia. He entered the Franciscan Order in 1920, and was given the name Philotheus,[2] the Latin form of the Greek Philotheos, ("friend of God"). In 1927 he was ordained as a priest, although he was so ill with tuberculosis he was not expected to live. While resting, he began his work as a medieval scholar by translating Étienne Gilson's work on Saint Bonaventura. He became a close friend of Gilson in the 1930s.

    In the summer of 1940 Boehner moved to Saint Bonaventure College (now a university) where he lectured on Franciscan philosophy, and it was here that he began to build the Franciscan Institute into a center of international Franciscan scholarship.


W. VAN QUINE, Lógica Elementaria, Ginn y Compañía, Boston, 1941, p. 166; también p. 3.

De consequentiis scholasticorwrn earumque origine, en Angelicum; 15 (1938), p. 106 ss.

PHI-LOTREUS BORNER, O. F. M., El Tractattrs de Successivis, editado con un estudio sobre la Vida y Obra de Ockham, Instituto Franciscano de Publicaciones, I, p. 16, ss., The Franciscan Institute, St. Bonaven-ture; N. Y., 1944.

Cfr. C. PRANTL, Geschichte der Logik im Abendlande, vol. IV, Leipzig 1870, pp. 63-82.

JAN LUKASIEWICZ, Zur Geschichte der Aussagenlogik, en Erkenntnis 5 (1935-1936), pp. 111-113.







How to Cite

The Scholastic Logic System. (1944). Revista De La Universidad Nacional De Córdoba, 31(5), 1599-1620.