Soybean yield and performance in response to the industrial seed treatment with biostimulant fertilizer
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This study aimed at evaluating, during storage, the yield components and germination of the soybean crop based on seeds industrially treated with mineral- biological fertilizer containing amino acids. To achieve this, the experiment was carried out by using a completely randomized experimental design with the treatments arranged in subdivided plots, with four replications. The plots included the industrial seed treatments (IST), while the storage periods (0 and 45 days) were allocated to the subplots. The following characteristics were assessed: germination, initial stand, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pods, number of lateral branches per plant, thousand-seed mass and yield. Under the conditions tested, the storage period contributed to a reduction in the agronomic parameters herein assessed, especially considering the control. However, compared to the seeds submitted only to the standard IST and, especially in relation to the untreated seeds (control), the use of biostimulant fertilizer in the industrial treatment enabled an increase in the agronomic characteristics during storage.
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