Effect of temperature and precipitation during grain filling on dormancy and water sensitivity in barley grains (Hordeum vulgare L.)
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After harvesting, barley grains (Hordeum vulgare L.) can show dormancy and water sensitivity, which delays industrial use. Both effects depend on the barley genotype and environmental conditions during grain maturation. In order to analyze the effect of the average temperature and the total rainfall accumulated during and in the final third of the grain filling, on the dormancy and water sensitivity and the relationship between them, three cultivars of barley were sownin four dates in 2009 and two in 2011. Temperature and daily rainfall were recorded from anthesis to physiological maturity. The dormancy was evaluated as germination at 12 days post physiological maturity and the water sensitivity as germination in water excess conditions at 100 days post physiological maturity. The variables that presented a higher correlation with germination and water sensitivity were average temperature and accumulated rainfall during grain maturity. Environments with average high temperature during grain filling, reduced dormancy, but on water sensitivity decrease was cultivar dependent. The increase of rainfall during grain filling, decreased dormancy, but increased water sensitivity in all three cultivars.
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