Relationship between rainfall and an agrometeorological index for maize

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M. R. Ateca
G. Edreira
R. At equeo Zanvettor


To determine the yearly and seasonal variability of rainfall and its relationship with crops yields, a statistical survey of the pluviometric series was carried out in three places: Córdoba, Manfredi, and Marcos Juárez. Their yearly and seasonal rainfall was analyzed. The mobile averages were estimated for periods of 3, 6, and 9 years in Córdoba, and 6-year periods for Manfredi and Marcos Juárez. As a result of this analysis, it was concluded that there exist pluviometric cycles of 21 and 11 years in Córdoba and Manfredi. On the other hand, in Marcos Juárez, the cycles are not as evident as in the other places. Moreover, the positive secular trend of the yearly and seasonal rainfall was determined in the three places. The rainfall was related with the maize yields through the Agrometeorological Index, YMI, to determine the crop's yield and to discriminate years with maximum and minimum yields. A good fit between the calculated YMI index and the yield obtained was found to exist.

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Relationship between rainfall and an agrometeorological index for maize. (1991). AgriScientia, 8, 19-26.

How to Cite

Relationship between rainfall and an agrometeorological index for maize. (1991). AgriScientia, 8, 19-26.


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