Improvement of pisingallo maize (Zea mays L.) for the semi-arid region of Córdoba, Argentina. Dialelic analysis between pisingallo and colorado duro populations.

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M. C. Nazar
L. Larovere
C. A. Biasutti
D. Peiretti


A partial diallel mating design was performed among four popcorn varieties: Paraná (P2), Anaranjado (P3), Amarillo (P4), and Colorado (P5), along with one adapted flint population of corn, MPB-FCA 856. Data was collected on the following characters: days to female flowering (DDF), ear length (LONG), grain yield (Rto.), and popping expansion (Exp.). Heterotic values were negative for several characters in relation to the best parent. DDF exhibited greater genetic diversity, with an epistatic effect that causes heterotic depression. The parental population showed a predominance of additive over dominance effects, allowing for population improvement schemes. Populations P2, P3, and P5 could be used to enhance popping expansion (Exp.), while P4 is a good popcorn parent and could be utilized to increase grain yield.

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How to Cite
Improvement of pisingallo maize (Zea mays L.) for the semi-arid region of Córdoba, Argentina. Dialelic analysis between pisingallo and colorado duro populations. (1994). AgriScientia, 11, 29-33.

How to Cite

Improvement of pisingallo maize (Zea mays L.) for the semi-arid region of Córdoba, Argentina. Dialelic analysis between pisingallo and colorado duro populations. (1994). AgriScientia, 11, 29-33.


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