In vitro rooting of the plum rootstocks Mariana GF 8/1, Mirabolano B and San Julián GF 655/2.

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M. E. Arena
O. H. Caso
P. E. Perelman


Shoot elongation and in vitro rooting of the plum rootstocks Mariana GF 8/1, Mirabolano B, and San Julián GF 655/2 were studied. The subculture of the shoots, 1.5 to 2 cm long, on an elongation medium with Murashige & Skoog (MS) salts, the organic composition of de Fossard et al. (DF), 0.5 mg/l GA₃, 0.2 mg/l BA, and 0.01 mg/l ANA allowed the production of at least 60% of shoots with good quality for rooting after 21 days in Mirabolano B and San Julián GF 655/2, while 42 days were needed in Mariana GF 8/1. The culture medium with modified MS organic composition and 1 mg/l IBA induced 100% of rooted shoots after 12 and 16 days in San Julián GF 655/2 and Mariana GF 8/1, respectively. At the same time, root systems with an acceptable number of roots per shoot and the highest total root length were obtained. In Mirabolano B, 45% of rooted shoots with 3 primary roots and the greatest root length were achieved with the modified DF organic composition and 1 mg/l IBA.

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In vitro rooting of the plum rootstocks Mariana GF 8/1, Mirabolano B and San Julián GF 655/2. (1994). AgriScientia, 11, 61-67.

How to Cite

In vitro rooting of the plum rootstocks Mariana GF 8/1, Mirabolano B and San Julián GF 655/2. (1994). AgriScientia, 11, 61-67.


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