Probabilistic characterization of the thermal regime for the area of Pergamino (Buenos Aires), Argentina.

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L. E. Totis de Zeljkovich
E. Frutos
C. Améndola
O. G. Perez
S. Martínez
L. Funston


A probabilistic analysis of the thermal regime in the area of Pergamino (Buenos Aires), Argentina, was conducted to understand the dynamics of the thermal regime for use in activity planning and risk evaluations. The variables studied included the frequency of air temperatures (both inside a meteorological shelter and outdoors) and soil temperatures at depths of 5 and 10 cm, recorded in 2°C intervals every 10 days. Data from a 24-year period (1967-1990) from the Agrometeorological Observatory at Pergamino Experimental Station were utilized. Probability of occurrence for each interval, along with quartiles, and maximum and minimum values of the variables are presented.

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Probabilistic characterization of the thermal regime for the area of Pergamino (Buenos Aires), Argentina. (1995). AgriScientia, 12, 61-69.

How to Cite

Probabilistic characterization of the thermal regime for the area of Pergamino (Buenos Aires), Argentina. (1995). AgriScientia, 12, 61-69.


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