Effect of different oxidants on the quality of breads made by the traditional Argentinean method
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Low amount of yeast, longer fermentation times, and the use of potassium bromate are the most outstanding features of bread-making technology in Argentina. The prohibition of potassium bromate in 1998 led to the study of the effects of different oxidants as a potential replacement. In this work, the effect of 5 different oxidants on gas retention, bread volume, rheological properties, crumb structure, and protein interactions were compared. The SDS-PAGE results show that oxidants favored the formation of protein aggregates, which would indicate the formation of disulfide bonds from sulphydryl groups. The results also show that none of the additives studied were able to replace on their own potassium bromate in this kind of bread-making procedure, with azodicarbonamide being the oxidant with behavior more similar to that of potassium bromate.
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AACC, 1987. Approved methods of the American Association of Cereal Chemists. AACC. St. Paul, MN.
Alimentos Argentinos, 1998. Suplemento: Cadenas alimentarias. 3:2-6.
Código Alimentario Argentino, 1998. Anexo Mercosur - GMC - RES 073/93.
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