Genetic advance and stability of maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars obtained by the cryptic hybrid method
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The cultivation of maize is important in the Argentine subtropics. The Subtropical Corn Improvement Programs of the IIACS-CIAP-INTA, seeks the improvement of yield and other characters of interest, seeking more efficient methods. The objective was to evaluate the potential of the "cryptic hybrids" method, determining the genetic gains of first cycle hybrids (HC1), through yield analysis (RTO), prolificacy (PRO), weight thousand seeds (P1000), stalk broken (QUE%), stalk lodging (AC%), anthesis-silking interval (ASI), ear height (EH) and plant height (PH). Two experiments were carried out, the first with cycle 0 hybrids and cycle 1 hybrids (HC1), determining the gains achieved, these were high for RTO (1,841.3 kg.ha-1), QUE% and EH. The second experiment evaluated the HC1 in four environments, from the IIACS-CIAP-INTA in the department Leales Tucumán (LE), Finca El Manantial de la FAZ-UNT Tucumán (MA), Los Altos, Catamarca (LA) and El Palomar, Santiago del Estero (PA), in which the HC116 stood out for RTO and stability, in addition other hybrids with specific site adaptation were found. This methodology was found to have good potential for use in breeding programs.
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