Effects of the application of a phytocide on a plant community of the western Chaqueño forest in the northeast of Córdoba Province
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An aerial application of Picloran: + 2,4,5-T at a rate of 2 1/Ha. with a minimum flow rate of 40 1/Ha. was applied in a degraded xerophytic "fachinal" forest, dominated by a shrub layer of 1 to 3 m. in height, with a predominance of Acacia furcatispina (teatin, male doodle) over other thorny woody species, with a sparse tree canopy. In the treated area and in an adjacent untreated area, after 2 years, different samplings were carried out to evaluate the changes in the structure, floristic composition and forage production of the plant community caused by the phytocide. The results obtained led to the following: a)In the treated area, the cover and density of live shrubs decreased. b)There was a selective effect on Acacia furcatispina, a shrub that is very harmful to livestock production in the area due to its characteristics. Most of the other species were not affected. c)The treated area showed an increase in the production of dry grassy matter and a decrease in bare soil due to an increase in herbaceous cover. d)Long-term studies will be necessary to determine the evolution of the vegetation, which will make it possible to detect the real effects of the phytocide.
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