Barbarism and alochrony in Marcelo Bórmida`s ethnological project
Bórmida, Ethnology, Barbarians, AlochronyAbstract
The article interprets two works by the Italo-Argentinean scientist Marcelo Bórmida that were very significative for Argentine anthropology towards the end of the 1950s. Those texts implied a rupture - from within - with the German diffusionism, a widespread paradigm in the local academy since the end of the 19th century. The author points out two central concepts for his ethnological project: barbarism and dynchronization of the synchronic. Both texts try to recreate a history of ethnology that goes beyond the usual canons of this type of narratives. First, due its historical depth; second because it does not close on the local sphere (in other words, it denies making a “history of anthropology in Argentina” to pursue a general history of Anthropology, or more specifically, of Ethnology); and third because it prioritizes Latin (Spanish and Italian) and Germans authors instead of French and Anglo-Saxons.Downloads
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