Towards the understanding of a multipurpose space: Results of the archaeological survey in Río Las Salinas 2 (Tucumán)


  • Carolina Somonte CONICET. Institute of Archeology and Museum. Faculty of Natural Sciences and Miguel Lillo Institute. National University of Tucuman, Tucuman, Argentina.
  • Carlos Alberto Baied Historical Ecology Research Center (CIEH). Faculty of Natural Sciences and Miguel Lillo Institute. National University of Tucuman, Tucuman, Argentina.



pedestrian tactic, archaeological surfaces, lithic archaeological record, occupational persistence


This paper presents the results of an intensive and extensive survey of the Rio Las Salinas 2 quarry-workshop, carried out as part of an archaeological impact assessment. The pedestrian and full-coverage survey involved the layout of parallel transects distributed over an area of 620 ha. During the survey, data sheets were completed, designed both for a landscape description of the context and for an archaeological characterization of each type of finding. These findings were grouped into categories of architectural structures, lithic material, rock art, isolated artifacts, as well as combinations between them. This survey allowed identifying an extensive and highly circulated space, in which, in addition to lithic supply, there was evidence of temporary occupation and demarcation of spaces, leading to further characterization of the persistence in the use of RLS2. The archaeological evidence as a whole reaffirms/confirms the interpretation of the functional complexity of this quarry-workshop as a large multipurpose space.


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Somonte y Baied's work







How to Cite

Somonte, C., & Baied, C. A. (2021). Towards the understanding of a multipurpose space: Results of the archaeological survey in Río Las Salinas 2 (Tucumán). Revista Del Museo De Antropología, 14(1), 93-108.

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