Agricultural terracing of the tributary ravines of Río Negro and its relationship with Pueblo Viejo de Tucute and the Inca conquest.Casabindo, Argentina
Pre-Hispanic agricultural terracing, Society-Environment relationship, Puna, Late Period, Inca EmpireAbstract
This work presents the pre-Hispanic agricultural areas found by remote sensing and pedestrian survey in the Rio Negro hydrographic basin. In addition, the study of the productive architecture in combination with the analysis of the current humidity conditions of the area leads us to consider the selection of this system of tributary ravines of Rio Negro for agricultural production. The studies presented here are part of a systematic investigation of the agropastoral landscapes of the southern area of Casabindo (Jujuy, Argentina), which also seeks to inquire about the relationship of the productive areas with the pukara-town of Pueblo Viejo de Tucute, and the changes and continuities in the use of space with the appearance of the Inca Empire in the region. Currently, we have been able to identify 24 areas with terraces in various sectors of the tributary ravines of the Rio Negro. The installation of the agricultural terraces in this steep and protected topography where Pueblo Viejo de Tucute is located, allows us to propose the ownership of the structures to the inhabitants of the town and the beneficial character in terms of relative humidity of the environment of this system of streams for agricultural practice in the face of arid conditions. On the other hand, the presence in some sectors of large large bench terraces superimposed on a previous architectural substrate, and the discovery of the figures of two llamas represented in white quartz on a terrace wall allow us to assert that this micro-basin was later occupied by the Inca.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Alina Álvarez Larrain, Diego Martín Basso, María de los Ángeles Tejerina, Lorena Grana, María Amalia Zaburlín
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