A Quantitative Overview over the first four decades of South-Central Andes Zooarcaheology
Zooarchaeology, South Central Andes, Databases, BibliometryAbstract
This paper reports the degree of advancement of the South-Central Andes Zooarchaeological Database project, as well as a quantitative description of the surveyed reports. The Andes were one of the core areas of plant and animal domestication and of development of primary states worldwide; the South-Central sub-area (Western South America, 15-30º S) is regarded as a distinctive environmental and co-traditional complex, and as a secondary center for llama domestication. The main objectives of the database include carrying a systematic survey of the relevant zooarchaeological literature and building a tool for secondary analysis and/or meta-analysis of South-Central Andes archaeofaunas on a broad scale (from the Pleistocene-Holocene transition to Late Holocene), as well as the bibliometric analysis of the relevant literature. A series of quantifications were carried on the bibliographic data stored in SCAZD aimed to describe the set of reports identified and reviewed to date, including cumulative series by country and report type, number of publications by ecoregion and period, cross references among reports, recorded site types, zooarchaeological measures used, and resolution of taxonomic identifications. The four countries show a cumulative production of zooarchaeological reports since 1967, with a greater relative contribution from Chile and Argentina. In addition, papers published in scientific journals became increasingly important over time. The surveyed reports cover almost the entire range of Andean environments and archaeological periods.
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