The Hero’s Body: the Unveiling of the Bust of a Soldier Fallen in the Malvinas War


  • Laura Marina Panizo Universidad Nacional de General San Martín. Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales.



performance, war, mourning, Malvinas


In this paper we will show how the unveiling of the bust of Elbio Araujo, a soldier fallen in the Malvinas War, expresses the symbolic framework for interpretation of death in battle of a particular group, at the same time becoming for his relatives the stage for dramatization of a death that could not be dealt with in the usual manner due to the lack of a body. We will deal with the ritual from the point of view of performance, since it allows us to see the ways experiences are lived in specific scenes, through which the death of a person is inhabited and signified in a particular way. Therefore, we will show that through the unveiling of the bust, the lack of the body is replaced by a different materiality and that the performance acts not only as a communication channel through which the bereaved express their experiences and the meanings given to death in war to society at large, but also becomes, for the families involved, a transformative practice through the proposed reflexivity on the social status of the deceased.


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Author Biography

  • Laura Marina Panizo, Universidad Nacional de General San Martín. Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales.
    Laura Marina Panizo es Doctora de la Universidad de Buenos Aires con mención en Antropología  (FFyL/UBA). Se especializa en el área de la antropología de la muerte centrándose en la problemática de la muerte en situaciones violentas y extraordinarias como el caso la desaparición de personas bajo la última dictadura militar o la muerte en la guerra de Malvinas. Actualmente es docente del IDAES (UNSAM) y becaria posdoctoral de CONICET, cuyo proyecto de investigación focaliza sobre las experiencias de muerte de familiares víctimas del atentado a la AMIA.


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Social Anthropology

How to Cite

Panizo, L. M. (2013). The Hero’s Body: the Unveiling of the Bust of a Soldier Fallen in the Malvinas War. Revista Del Museo De Antropología, 6(1), 145-154.

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